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Our World Underwater 2014

Best of Show by Sumer Verma
Best of Show

Sumer Verma

Wide Angle Unrestricted

The Our World Underwater international underwater photography and video competition has become known as the "Superbowl" of underwater imaging events. The competition celebrates and highlights both art of underwater photography as well as the beauty of the ocean.

This year the  panel of judges went through thousands of images and videos taken by novice to professional photographers and videographers from around the world.

$50,000 in prizes were awarded to the winners, who represented more than 15 countries.  Congratulations to Sumer Verma who won Best of Show for his 1st place image from the Wide Angle Unrestricted category.

Winners were announced live on stage during the Our World Underwater film festival in Chicago (February 14 & 15, 2014), and will be published by supporting media partners worldwide. You can enjoy the winning images below.

Best of Show by Sumer Verma

Wide Angle Unrestricted
Sumer Verma India
12 Night Live Aboard Trip for 2 with Seven Seas
Macro Traditional
I love Sonia! by Michele Davino (Italy)

Michele Davino

"I love Sonia!"
Location: Elba Island, Italy
9 day trips to the Revillagigedo Archipelago (Socorro), aboard Solmar V
Battle by Shane  Gross (Canada)

Shane Gross

Location: Eleuthera, Bahamas
10 day Papua New Guinea live aboard trips aboard Febrina
platvis by Luc Rooman (Belgium)

Luc Rooman

Location: Holland
7 day dive packages to Lembeh Strait with NAD-Lembeh
Macro Unrestricted
Jellyfish Nausithoe punctata by Fabien Michenet (France)

Fabien Michenet

"Jellyfish Nausithoe punctata"
Location: 3 miles off the coast off Tahiti Island by night
Dive Package in Indonesia on Dive Damai
Genesis  by Jeffrey de Guzman (Philippines)

Jeffrey de Guzman

"Genesis "
Location: Anilao Batangas Philippines
7 nights package at Atlantis Puerto Galera or Atlantis Dumaguete
Juvenile Pike by Anders Salesjö (Sweden)

Anders Salesjö

"Juvenile Pike"
Location: Tolken, Ulricehamn, Sweden
7 Day Red Sea Live Aboard Trip with Cassiopeia and Andromeda Live Aboards
Honorable Mention
Molly Miller Blennies by Judy Townsend ()

Judy Townsend

"Molly Miller Blennies"
Location: Blue Heron Bridge, West Palm Beach, Florida
Wide Angle Traditional
jellyfish by Hani Bader (Bahrain)

Hani Bader

Location: Kingdom of Bahrain
9 day trips to the Revillagigedo Archipelago (Socorro), aboard Solmar V
Jellyfish dream by Adriano Morettin (Italy)

Adriano Morettin

"Jellyfish dream"
Location: Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy.
7 nights package at Atlantis Puerto Galera or Atlantis Dumaguete
Godzilla by Filippo Borghi (Italy)

Filippo Borghi

Location: galapagos is.
7 day dive packages to Lembeh Strait with NAD-Lembeh
Honorable Mention
SUNSET SHARK by Vincent Truchet (French Polynesia)

Vincent Truchet
French Polynesia

Various Lighting Accessories from Inon
Wide Angle Unrestricted
A JOURNEY BEGINS by Sumer Verma (India)

Sumer Verma

12 Night Live Aboard Trip for 2 with Seven Seas
Baitball by Todd Bretl (United States)

Todd Bretl
United States

Location: Isla Mujeres, Mexico
Various Lighting Accessories from Inon
Rio Negro Botos #1 by David Salvatori (Italy)

David Salvatori

"Rio Negro Botos #1"
Location: Rio Negro, Amazonas - Brasil
7 Day Red Sea Live Aboard Trip with Cassiopeia and Andromeda Live Aboards
Honorable Mention
Popeye by Sam Cahir ()

Sam Cahir

Location: North Neptune Islands, South Australia
Various Lighting Accessories from Inon
Honorable Mention
Blue whale descent by Allison Vitsky Sallmon (United States)

Allison Vitsky Sallmon
United States

"Blue whale descent"
Location: Offshore California/Mexico border
Compact Cameras
tadpoles by Bert Willaert (Belgium)

Bert Willaert

Location: Lovendegem, Belgium
10 day Papua New Guinea live aboard trips aboard Febrina
Safe haven by Patty Woo ()

Patty Woo

"Safe haven"
Location: Lembeh
Relax by Jim Chen (Taiwan)

Jim Chen

Location: Tulamben, Bali
Commercial, Conceptual & Fashion
Temple of of the Sun by Shawn Heinrichs (United States)

Shawn Heinrichs
United States

"Temple of of the Sun"
Location: Tonga
Various Lighting Accessories from Inon

Signed Wyland books
Eagle Hunt by Conor Culver (United States)

Conor Culver
United States

"Eagle Hunt"
Location: Little Cayman
Raining Diamonds by Shawn Heinrichs (United States)

Shawn Heinrichs
United States

"Raining Diamonds"
Location: Tonga
Various Lighting Accessories from Inon

Signed Wyland books
Macro Traditional

Any close-up image captured with a macro lens, where the reproduction ratio is between 1:10 and 1:1, or greater. The "Traditional" divisions allow for the adjustment of brightness, contrast, color, and sharpness only. Cropping, cloning, and other digital manipulation is not allowed in this category. This restriction on digital manipulation enables people who are not as savvy at Photoshop to compete on more-or-less even ground as those with more experience. It also highlights composition and lighting skills by not allowing cropping and cloning. Before selecting winning entries, we reserve the right to audit your original RAW or JPG files. Please do not submit cropped or manipulated entries in this category.

Macro Unrestricted

Any close-up image captured with a macro lens, where the reproduction ratio is between 1:10 and 1:1, or greater. Unlike the "Traditional" divisions, the "Unrestricted" divisions have no specific rules regarding digital manipulation. However, as we are not running a digital manipulation contest, you should exercise care in the decisions that you make.

Wide Angle Traditional

Any image captured with a wide-angle lens (focal length 35mm or less in 35mm format). The "Traditional" divisions allow for the adjustment of brightness, contrast, color, and sharpness only. Cropping, cloning, and other digital manipulation is not allowed in this category. This restriction on digital manipulation enables people who are not as savvy at Photoshop to compete on more-or-less even ground as those with more experience. It also highlights composition and lighting skills by not allowing cropping and cloning. Before selecting winning entries, we reserve the right to audit your original RAW or JPG files. Please do not submit cropped or manipulated entries in this category.

Wide Angle Unrestricted

Any image captured with a wide-angle lens (focal length 35mm or less in 35mm format). Unlike the "Traditional" divisions, the "Unrestricted" divisions have no specific rules regarding digital manipulation. However, as we are not running a digital manipulation contest, you should exercise care in the decisions that you make.

Compact Cameras

Any image taken by a point-and-shoot, non-DSLR, non-interchangeable-lens camera.
Any camera with interchangeable lenses is not considered a compact, so images taken with such cameras must not be entered into this category.

Commercial, Conceptual & Fashion

Any non-wildlife focused underwater images of commercial, conceptual or fashion related subjects.
Images can be shot in a pool or in the wild, but the primary subject should not be wildlife.

Short Film

Any film, five minutes or less in duration, where at least 50 percent of the footage is shot underwater. The remaining footage may be captured on land or from the air, including via drones.

12 Night Live Aboard Trip for 2 with Seven Seas
9 day trips to the Revillagigedo Archipelago (Socorro), aboard Solmar V
10 day Papua New Guinea live aboard trips aboard Febrina
7 Day Red Sea Live Aboard Trip with Cassiopeia and Andromeda Live Aboards
Dive Package in Indonesia on Dive Damai
7 nights package at Atlantis Puerto Galera or Atlantis Dumaguete
DS-160 Strobes from Ikelite
Various Lighting Accessories from Inon
7 day packages to Norway at Gulen Dive Resort
7 day dive packages to Lembeh Strait with NAD-Lembeh
Signed Wyland books
Abi Smigel Mullens

Abi Smigel Mullens is the associate editor of Wetpixel, a premiere online underwater photography community and website. She is also a freelance underwater photographer and writer that has been published in many popular scuba diving magazines. In addition to shooting wildlife underwater, Abi specializes in children’s underwater portraits and runs her own company, Sea Star Underwater Portraits. She is based in the San Francisco bay area and offers this service to clients and swim schools up and down the California coast.

Keri Wilk

Keri Wilk started diving at around 8 and was certified by the age of 12. Around two decades have now passed since he picked up his first underwater camera. With his brother, a fellow engineer, Keri co-owns ReefNet, which creates products that benefit the underwater world, such as optics, data recorders, and marine life ID guides. Keri recently ventured into the field of aerial imaging and started a company called Rotorpixel, which primarily manufactures direct-drive camera-stabilizing gimbals for unmanned aerial systems. After winning over 100 awards in international photo competitions, he now regularly appears on judging panels.

Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss is the owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of, a leading underwater photography media publication with over 50,000 worldwide monthly readers.  Matt has been working full time at DPG since 2009, and for years was the world’s only full time underwater photography editor. Matt also helped found the New York Underwater Photographic Society, where he currently serves as the co-president. Matt spends over a third of the year in the field shooting assignments and running workshops for numerous print and digital publications. In 2011, Matt co-founded Scuba Diver Through The Lens, the world’s first international underwater photography print magazine that will be published quarterly beginning in 2012 and distributed in New York, Munich and Singapore.

Tony Wu

Since 1995, Tony has combined his love of visual art with his interest in the marine world through underwater photography, and he has concentrated on using his photographs and writing to encourage others to appreciate and protect the beauty of the oceans. In recent years, Tony has devoted the majority of his time to the challenging disciplines of cetacean photography and documenting mass spawning aggregations of fish. Tony’s images have received international awards in Japan, Europe and the US, including Grand Prize in Japan’s largest marine photo contest, first place in the underwater category of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, and the award for “Best Book of the Year” at the 28th annual Antibes Festival of Marine Images in France for his book Silent Symphony. Keep up with Tony’s activities at: