All Compact Category entrants received a free lesson courtesy of
As with all Wetpixel & DivePhotoGuide competitions, 15% of entry proceeds will be donated to marine conservation efforts.
All Compact Category entrants received a free lesson courtesy of
As with all Wetpixel & DivePhotoGuide competitions, 15% of entry proceeds will be donated to marine conservation efforts.
Any image taken by a point-and-shoot, non-DSLR, non-interchangeable-lens camera.
Any camera with interchangeable lenses is not considered a compact, so images taken with such cameras must not be entered into this category.
Any underwater image featuring a scuba diver or freediver.
Any underwater image featuring a portrait of an animal.
Any underwater image showing natural animal behavior. This includes (but is not limited to) feeding, hunting, fighting, courtship, mating, yawning, and activity at cleaning stations.
Any underwater image featuring a wide angle view of a reef.
Underwater images of all kinds, taken by any camera, with a focus on marine or freshwater environment and conservation. Subject matter must address a marine or freshwater-related environmental issue. The goal in this category is to convey a real-world message.
Open to Indonesian residents only
Berkley White is a leading expert in the field of underwater photography and digital image processing. As a professional photographer and instructor, he shares his in-field photographic techniques and digital methods through a series of select travel events each year. Berkley is the founder of Backscatter in Monterey, California, the largest specialty underwater photographic supplier in the US, and is the organizer of international photographic events such as the Digital Shootout.
David Espinosa is the Editor of Scuba Diver Australasia (, the official publication of the PADI Diving Society in Asia Pacific. Though he prefers shooting video to still photography, he has a keen eye for what makes a great underwater photograph: With 18 years in the dive industry, he has seen thousands of spectacular underwater images, and has been a judge for numerous competitions. David has authored a guidebook to diving southeast Asia, and has published hundreds of articles on everything from destinations, equipment, and profiles on the world’s top dive celebrities and underwater photographers.
Eric Cheng is an underwater photographer who has become known around the world for his expertise in underwater imaging. He has meticulously documented his travels around the world, and has been published in numerous publications, both in print and on the web. In 2003, Eric was awarded a prestigious Antibes Festival award for his work with, the Antibes underwater imaging web site of the year, and in 2005, he won a category in the prestigious Nature’s Best Magazine photo competition, which has placed some of his work in the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum. Eric also leads trips and has given workshops and seminars in locations around the world. Eric owns and runs, the premiere online resource for underwater photographers. Hosting over 6,150 registered underwater photographers internationally, Wetpixel’s friendly community offers breaking news, reviews, features, community forums, image galleries, photo contests, photo expeditions, and more. Eric’s underwater images can be found on personal website: